Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Beliefs

 I believe that technology is very important in the classroom.  As teachers, our job is to prepare the future students of the world.  This means we need to keep up with changes and advancements in the world.  We can't get stuck in our ways and methods of teachings because we might miss out on teaching our students some vital information that will help them succeed.  I always hear that we will be teaching students who will be doing jobs that haven't been invented yet, and that really shows how important it is to keep up with the times.  If people don't, or aren't willing, to adapt, very soon they get left behind.

I also think that it can be a fun way to enhance a lesson.  There are so many things that technology allows us to do that we couldn't do before.  We literally have the world at our finger tips.  If I was doing a lesson on China, or Japan, or some other foreign country I can easily pull up pictures of that place to use in my lesson.  While I was in field I created a powerpoint tour of Utah.  I was able to virtually take the students to six different locations around Utah using technology.  The students loved it!  When we had visited all 6 of the locations I had prepared, they were wanting to visit more places.  They wrote me letters at the end of my field experience, and many of them commented on the powerpoint I had made.  This is just one example of how technology can enhance a lesson.

I believe that teachers have the obligation to their students to become as tech savy as they can.  They are obligated to teach their students about the upcoming advances they will have to use one day.  Going into elementary education is a little different than high school, but I feel that it's still important that students know what a computer is, how to type, are able to write a paper, and know how to look for information on the internet.  All of this can be taught at a young age, and a early basis of this can help students later in their lives.

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