Wednesday, February 16, 2011

February 17. Vidcast Reflection

The podcast series we made is called Colors.  We aimed at younger aged kids, kindergarten or below.  We wanted to teach the basic colors, and that colors are seen everyday all around them.
The standard we used was for Kindergarten.  It was:
Standard 1: Students will develop a sense of self.
Objective 3: Develop and use skills to communicate ideas, information, and feelings.
Indicator (b): recognize similar colors as being members of the family of reds, blues, and yellows.

We wanted to make sure that we included as many different colors as we could in the video, and also as many different objects in those shades of colors.  The song we put the images too talks about being a rainbow and how they're are many different colors.  We wanted to show that colors are all around us, and if little kids look around they can pick out many different colors they are learning about in school.  A benefit of this video is that it shows kids different colors, and how all the colors make up a rainbow.  I also think it can help students put emotion with color.  In the song it says things like, "I am red today, Hopping mad like a playground ball" or "I am white today, Soft and quite like new snow."  This help to convey the emotions that colors can have, that red can be a mad color, and that white can be a peaceful color.  The song also says, "I am a rainbow today, All the colors of the world" which can show children that there are many colors in the world, and that a rainbow is made up of many colors, so not all objects have to be just one color.

Some drawbacks of this series is that it can only be used for younger grades at the moment.  By the time a child is in kindergarten, most already know their colors because they are taught at home.  This video would mostly be used as review of the basic colors.  It could also be used to show emotions with colors, but for the most part, children already have a basic knowledge of colors by the time they enter kindergarten.

Something I've thought about doing to expand the series is to show the different properties and characteristics of color.  There could be a video all about the primary colors and secondary colors.  This video could introduce the color wheel, and what colors are the primary and secondary colors.  Another video could go further in depth than that, and show that the primary colors make up the secondary colors, for example: red plus yellow makes orange.  We could go further and show the tertiary colors as well.  Another video could include shades and tints and explain the difference.  This video could actually be turned into a series that could carry students all throughout their elementary art experience.

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