Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 3. Podcast.

What: We learned how to make podcasts.

So What: Pod casts can be a useful tool in the classroom.  I had heard of podcasts but I didn't know what they really were or how to make them.  Knowing how to make a podcast and/or access podcasts helps me as a student as well as a future teacher.  As a student it is useful because some of my professors know how to do this and will podcast their classes.  This is way nice because it allows me access to what we talked about in class without having to leave my home. We learned how to do this because it is becoming an increasingly popular way of communicating, and it's simple and easy to do.

Now What:  As a future teacher podcast can be fun to use in the classroom.  As of right now, I don't think it's something that I would ever use as a teacher as a way to communicate with my students, but I can see me using it as a form of assignment for the students.  I liked what we did in class, where we thought of an issue and made a podcast about it.  I think older students would have fun with this.  For example, if we were in a social studies unit, and were talking about an issue or something from that time period, they could make a podcast of a "news broadcast" or "breaking news" of something that happened, ie, make a podcast of what people might have heard on December 7, 1941 (Pearl Harbor)  This gets students involved with history, and I think using a podcast would be a fun way of doing that.

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